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Innovating the service portal experience

Service Portals average adoption rates around 30% and offer the lowest customer satisfaction of any support channel. This program trains and prepares professionals to design effective service portals and service request catalogs. It provides an understanding of structuring services for offer and how to create a digital experience that fits with a modern-day customer experience for digital support. It achieves this by focusing on the employee and customer experience, and offering training on designing a complete and holistic experience. Students will learn:

  • How to leverage support channels and omni-channel support and the portal's role as a support channel

  • How to define services for offer in the portal and build a business-based taxonomy

  • How the CMDB and asset management support portal design

  • Principles of human centered design, digital design and service request design best practices

  • How to select a tool and design a portal implementation/improvement project

  • Building and managing strategic adoption programs and the metrics required


Innovating the Service Portal Syllabus


​Target Audience:

  • Professionals who support service management platforms, particularly those who implement the service request and portal applications within them

  • Service request catalog managers who design online catalogs and catalog items, including their workflow

  • Anyone interested in creating an online portal presence for their organization


This course is designed for IT, HR, Facilities and other service providers.

Innovating the service portal experience
Innovating the service portal experience
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